Charley’s Story – Youth Advocate

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The amazing Charley is 14 years old and is one of our clients at Inclusive Case Management. 

Since their first meeting in 2020, our case manager, Natasha Wilde, has consistently supported Charley and her family. 

Charley is passionate about ensuring the needs of the client are always central to any package of care. With this in mind she has kindly agreed to take on the crucial role of being our ‘Youth Advocate’. Charley will be on hand to advise case managers and families on what makes a good case manager and the dos and don’ts! 

At Inclusive Case Management, we take pride in our commitment to involve our clients and their families in every aspect of our work, ensuring that our case management is genuinely inclusive. 

Below you will read in Charley’s own words what makes a great case manager:

My Amazing Team.

“My family and I have been working with the therapy team for 4 years or more. Natasha organised a good team of professionals to take care of me and we have regular meetings to share information. Sometimes these are hilarious, and we have lots of fun.

The therapy team has provided education, equipment and special sessions to improve the quality of my life.

I have a teacher called Linda, who helps me with my education, a physio called Kathryn, to support with my mobility, strength and exercise sessions. I have a psychologist called Natalie, who helps with my worries and emotional needs. I also have an occupational therapist called Vickie, who helps with home equipment and gadgets that assist me in my everyday life. Vickie needs to go on Strictly Come Dancing, as she’s a good dancer. I have a speech and language therapist called Kerry, whose sessions help improve my breathing and speech. I must speak like CRAIG (Revel-Horwood). Not really, but this is an acronym to help my speech. 

I also, have 3 support assistants, called, Hollie, Abbie and Amanda, that help with leisure time, night cover and outside activities.  Hollie helps me with my hair, make-up and looks after me in school breaks. Abbie helps me with craft activities after school. Amanda is so funny all the time and helps me at night to sleep. All three are great PA’s.

I have support from Lucy through an IT service, who help with laptops and gadgets in the home and for education, which make things easier for me.

Frances and Carole come a long way to see me from Newcastle, Frances to advise on fantastic and brilliant books for me to read and Carole to help and supervise my ASDAN qualification. I have just completed my Bronze Award.

Last, but not least, Phil is very important because he services and corrects my wheelchairs and Nicki, Natasha’s admin assistant, has to sort out heaps of admin for me, my Mum and Dad and everyone mentioned above.

I am so grateful to everyone for helping me.

When I finish school, I would like to do peoples makeup and nails. Charging them lots of money!

Much love Charley xxxx”

If you would like to discuss the needs of your client, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

(IMAGE ABOVE: Charley’s fantastic team.)

(IMAGES BELOW: From left to right Linda (Charley’s teacher), Charley wearing her Youth Advocate badge and Hollie, one of Charley’s personal assistants.)

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Charley’s Story – Youth Advocate

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